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to find my cliend I have used website This website is an amazing site where you can help to make the world little bit better place. Chairties or small business post there what sot of thing they are looking for and if you have th edesired ability or knowledge you can volunteer to help them. And I was lucky enought that I have found my charity there. Open Heart is a small non profit organization supporting animal shelters and abadoned children across the Europe. The "small headquarters" is in Northern Irealand and the organization trying to help in the UK and Romania/Bulgaria. When I got in touch with Iian, he told me that they are going to open brand new animal shelter in Romania and that it's woould be great change tocome up with brand new identity and supporting materials.

These ar eexamples of their current logo. The one on the left is for their 'Children" projects and the one on the right is for animal shelters. I have decided to create a set of logo underneath one main one that could be adjustable into various forms depending on current project. However I think that at the moment these two examples are great starting position. Below I have attached few emails between my and my client where he describing how the chairty works and what their plans for their future are.

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